About me

My name is Marco Blasco, a writer based in northern Japan. I’ve long been a storyteller at heart, and take solace in the fact that no matter what the world brings, I have the ability to tell stories.

This Substack features my fantasy, other fiction works, and writings about life in Japan and Japanese culture.

It is my way of sharing my writings with the world. I try to pen tales of humanity, even in the most fantastical of worlds. I hope you connect with them. I have always aspired to create characters that people can get attached to and worlds that readers can get lost in.

Which brings me to the name of this publication.

sōsei. create worlds.

Sōsei 創世 is the Japanese word meaning, “creation of the world.” It is also my creative brand and the name of this online space where I write within those worlds.

Find the schedule in this post here, but the summary is:

Weekly Posts:

The God Wars Saga installments drop every Friday morning JST.

The God Wars Saga is my new, ongoing saga set in my world of Gendō, a fantasy-Japan inspired setting. This saga chronicles the beginning of Gendō and the many wars and conflicts that the gods, spirits, and humans faced during this time. It is also a prequel to my debut novel, ASLEEP AMONG THE SPIDER LILIES.

Monthly Posts:

I will add to the Chronicles of One Thousand Winters about once a month

These are my collection of short stories set in a whimsical, dark fantasy modern Japan. The setting is a Japan we might recognize at first glance, but one that hides weird goings-on, spirits, and the occasional time slip. Inspired by writers such as Haruki Murakami and Yasunari Kawabata, this is my homage to the place I call my second home, and my way of making sense of it.


When I have something unique or interesting to say, I’ll make a post about Japan and Japanese culture!

Thank you so much for being here. Your readership means everything to me. Let’s create worlds together.


Lastly, here’s a link to my Ko-fi page. This allows for one time donations, so it’s great for anyone who wants to support without the monthly commitment.

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sōsei is my creative publication featuring my fiction and my writings about Japan.


American writer living in Japan. Creator of sōsei and the fantasical worlds within it. Here, you'll find me writing fantasy and constantly contemplating culture.